Packing, photographic projects, a Shakespeare medley, snapple bottle caps, hippie jeans, the back of a thick vinyl, memories in a cardboard box, a hat rack, the word 'quintessential', framed vintage posters, ice-cream stickers, keep calm and... , daydreaming, crayons and watercolors, sorting 500 CDs into 500 CD cases, curdoroy fish, a poetry collection splattered on walls, guitar picks shoved in places, more packing, a long-lost song lyric, fragrances, an oddly-shaped vase, making decisions, marlon brando calendars, french grammar books, punk-rock murals (better known as the remnants of preteen angst), a blues guitar-slide, thinking that the packing never really ends, headbands, the leather satchel I love, letters, a cream-coloured room, games we used to play, an old friend called procrastination, stuffed animals, a tangle of wires, toy cameras, dustballs, a picture of you and me, sweaters and cardigans, I hate packing, I love packing, a harmonica, a painting of a bowl of fruit, old coca-cola bottles, striped socks, rusty brownie cookie tins, duct tape, books, books and more books.