Just an ordinary boy.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Just an ordinary boy.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
You ingrain me in the worry lines of your forehead
As if saying its my fault your heart's beating too fast.
If you spare me, please.
if only i could get into that corner of your head,
Where things finally match and meet the standards you set,
Because i'm slipping through the cracks
and all you have to do is throw me a lifeline.
I was stained,
In a role that wasn't my own.
Nick says, "You look like a potato couch."
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
With your words in a love letter and paintings on the walls,
Don't just throw it about like you always do,
what is this to you?
So much less.
It was plainly, one of the best times of my lifes. Obviously, i didnt think so the prior night before as i cooked bacon spag and potato gratin, having my last meal before going out into the wild ONCE MORE.
next morning slept in late and was the last to reach school. here are the better pictures! due to blogger's IMPOSSIBLE method of uploading pictures, it is not possible i post all the 300 photos. APOLOGIES!
the happy, and then the depressed.
genevieve practices dictatorship yet again.
And so we got introduced to our instructors after gathering shirts for our class[SAL, JOY and LYNETTE was doing 2.1 as well! XD], and we got jeremy! *first impressions from last year J BAC camp >>>> slightly gay, a bit too noisy, the-dude-who-has-cool-transition-specs-but-sports-the-nerdy-look-anyway. But he was great, really! haha.
our class was really really small. when we asked them how come there were only twenty people in their class instand of the standard forty, their nonchalant reply was this:
"they got suspended." *emotionless tone in voice.
oh wow. great start! hem hem, nevermind!
ice breakers for 2.1.
ah hem. the infamous does one of the famous I'M BORED face.
Our first meal in J BAC was lunch with the exact same food we had last year when we went for MOE leadership camp. Anticipated long queue for washing up happened as usual. KS! We were the only facils who sat with our class!
2.1's first activity was NATURE RUMBLE! practised our hornet drill at first.
and then hiked all the way in the jungle, with our newly christianed 'LA-NETT' complaining incessantly about her grass allergy and all of us laughing. they kept calling us their four MAMAS from then on LOL.
sarah anne sticking her ginormous head in and destroying the darn photo.
the first part of jungle trail. and look at the water. The next few steps it got so dead that i had to hand my camera to the teacher-in-charge who didnt go in the water for safe keeping, in case it got lost in all the water. ankle deep, knee deep. Finally we had to swim under a log through the water, with the whole class complaining. class unity just wasnt all that great at that time. EXCEPT the part where we had to sit down in the mud and everyone dumped black slush into our hair/backs/fronts/arms/face. DEAD FUNN.
Did mr roland as well which felt damn freaking great[its up to you how you want to intepret it]. could see the pure satisfaction in all the two one-ers, with their victorious war cries as they slapped mud pack after mud pack on mr R.
"Give us so much homework! -slap- always scold us! -slap- NAG NAG NAG so much for what?! -slap!!!!-"
kayaking after that which felt really short. After OBS, everything is, i suppose. But people complained again. i swear SAL is the worst person to kayak with EVER. besides the fact that she always slacks off and stops paddling when she thinks i'm not laughing, she rocks the boat and shrieks with laughter as if she's the world's most hilarious creature. simple minds. REALLY!
Whoo felt really exhausted when we got back to camp. twenty people carrying boats enough for forty people. BATHED. got all the rocks/pebbles/mud/sand/worms out of hair and off body before all the sec twos started to bang on the door to get in. I left the toilet in an absolutely CLEAN state for the sec twos to use. But when i came back an hour later to dump something into the dustbin, it was A TOTAL MESS. there were like used P-A-D-S slapped onto the wall LIKE WTH CONSIDERATION YO! And totally flooded. Sec twos are totally inconsiderate man. i guess its partially the inexperience and first timers attitude.
Prayed to hard that we wouldnt be the class to wash the toilet on the last day.
Dinner. rice with a meat and veg as usual.
Had the usual FBTs debacle with mr R. seriously. he didnt even tell us and half of the facils were left stranded without any shorts because all we brought were FBTs. And the reasons weren't even, well, reasonable. Of course, teachers won't stop a girl in pink hot shorts but even straight cuts are not allowed. More unreasonable yelling by ahem yet again during dinner time. I'm telling you, this is the kind of screaming/scolding/people which makes sec twos hate their camp, like how we didnt enjoy ours two years ago.
After dinner we had the Kidnap activity. Chose some random person from 2.1 to be the kidnap-ee, and started the three hour long night activity! Our class was uber unlucky, only managed to get the first key after nine tries, and the second one after four more tries. Screamed like a mad woman trying to explain the stations, and screamed even more when we finally got the keys.
Fell into bed exhausted after having meeting with jeremy. thank goodness we had bathed right after kayaking, or we would have to enjoy to ice-cold showers at twelve am in the morning. did some journal writing and listening to john mayer before falling asleep.
Day two
rose from sleep at four thirty in the morning because of hut eleven's talking and mumbling. FOUR THIRTY. to go wash up and stuff. Everyone in hut 13, who were pretty much the more seasoned campers, were screaming for the sec twos to shut up and go back to sleep. chelsea finally let out this huge yell in her sleepy voice which sounded so monstrous, it managed to quieten them long enough for the rest of us to nulled back to sleep by the cricket tones.
Woke up at six again to brush teeth groggily and telling sarah anne to hug someone else the next night. Went to the carpark where had assembly. the same as always, everyone mumbling and not singing at all. The instructors were all like 'ehh so soft...' gah. always happens.
OMG this was funny. The perfect picture of a dignified owner and its quiet companion. breakfast was sticky noodles. gah!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Unfortunately, after the teeth tightening on tuesday afternoon, it was impossible to bite down without feeling the sharp ebbing pain. Ate with a fork. ahaha. Low elements and CRC[challenge rope course] in the morning.
belaying was so darn tiring i tell you. thankg doogness for the sunglasses we borrowed from Jeremy, or we would have been blinded by the sun. My second person was sop ching[spelt somewhat like this in my mind], who was up there crying for half an hour, going slower than a sloth. My anchorman was becoming so bored that she just took her hand out of my harness as and when she fet like that. grrrr.
day three
The full day on thurs had made all the sec twos dead tired, so they only woe up at around five plus, so thankfully got at least five hours of sleep. Ipod battery almost flat due the earpiece having fallen out of my ear after falling asleep and playing the whole night lol.
Hmmm we had breakfast tog with our class for the last time. Ants on the sponges really put everyone off.
This one sprained her ankle and didnt need to wash toilets. phssf.